Legal notice
Operator of this website
dhs Dietermann & Heuser Solution GmbH
Herborner Str. 50
35753 Greifenstein-Beilstein
Tel.: +49 2779 91200
Fax: +49 2779 912099
E-mail: sales@dhssolution.com
Internet: www.dhssolution.com
Managing Director: Christian Dietermann & Julian Schäfer
Editorial responsibility: Julian Schäfer
VAT No.: DE 185157079
Commercial register number: HRB 4319 (District Court Wetzlar)
All content (especially images, graphics, video and audio sequences) are subject to copyright protection. “DHS Dietermann & Heuser Solution GmbH”, as the operator of this site, endeavours to observe the copyrights of others and to make use of works it has produced itself or that are license-free (including Fotolia.de and shutterstock.com). If we have nevertheless not been entirely successful in this endeavour, we would ask the rights holders concerned to contact us. We will take immediate action to ensure proper regulation. The rights to logos and graphics are the property of the respective originators. Product and company names are trademarks of the respective owners and are used on these pages for information purposes only. Contributions by third parties are identified as such. The use of texts, images and graphics is only permitted with the express consent of the rights holders. Contents of this online presence may only be used for non-commercial, information purposes. Every copy of contents from this site or parts thereof must contain a copyright declaration and the operator’s copyright protection symbol. Contents of this site or parts thereof may not be altered without the express written consent of the operator. The operator reserves the right to revoke this consent at any time, and to prohibit any use with immediate effect as soon as a written notification has been published by the operator.
Legal disclaimer
“dhs Dietermann & Heuser Solution GmbH”, as the operator of the online presence, assumes no responsibility for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the information contained therein, as well as for the availability of the services, and shall not be liable for any consequential damages arising from the use of the offering. Where a disclaimer does not apply, the operator shall only be liable for gross negligence and wilful misconduct. Product and company names are trademarks of the respective owners and are used on these pages for information purposes only. Responsibility for third-party websites referred to by this offering by means of so-called links lies with the respective provider. The operator is not responsible for the contents of such third-party websites. Furthermore, the website can be linked from other sites without our knowledge by means of so-called links. The operator assumes no responsibility for representations, contents or any other connection to this website in the websites of third parties. The operator shall only be responsible for third-party content if it has positive knowledge thereof (i.e. also if the content is illegal or punishable) and it is technically possible and reasonable for the operator to prevent its use. However, according to the German Online Services Act [Teledienstgesetz], the operator is under no obligation to check third-party content on an ongoing basis.